
Forsaken (I)

5/5 Cont. The Awakening 
I often hear people say that in spite of being pleased with their achievements, they still feel lacking. They feel that their households do not give them the refuge one usually longs for at home, and they feel the coldness amidst whatever company was gathered in there.
They harbor emptiness, whether they were alone or among others. Not being serene in your own haven, not being ready to immerse yourself in the comfort of your own shelter, nor being able to enjoy the tranquility before setting out again to face new challenges, must be a horrid sense of being.
I can only imagine…

How can one escape the melancholy that compiled in the mind and disseminated through the blood in the course of our lives?   
If only…
If only they knew…
If only I could relay what’s on my mind, and unfold the certainties of my reason and disclose what has been helping me get through all the trials of life. How can I tell the skeptics that they need faith? How can I prompt them to embrace my insight?
Deep down they know that something is missing, they are aware of their sadness and some convert it into anger and go on censuring the faithful, as if they were the reason for their anguish. The fact is they are not.
The only thing the pious do is choose a path different than theirs. Their only vice is that they remind them of the void they themselves have created in their lives.
The believers infuriate the disbelievers; they tap on their nerves in such a way that incites them to criticize so malignantly and maliciously.
As far as I am concerned, I think of no other reason. Why else? Why else bother and dedicate your life to disparage and belittle a certain portion of people when they add or detract nothing to and from your life. I mean, as I have previously noted, as a Muslim, I have a duty towards Allah to guide and invite others to my wonderful home, to share my riches…Allah has put me up to this. He asked me not to be selfish. What about the scoffers? Who provoked them and instigated this crusade against the believers? Why not just renounce whatever he/she wants to renounce and simply move on? Why wage war? Isn’t the utmost goal for him happiness? Isn’t it what everyone has in mind when they choose what they do and commit to certain principles? Isn’t happiness what he aspires when he plunges into setting out a plan to adopt a certain course he wants to follow in life?
Shouldn’t he revel in the resolution he has reached and just live according to whatever suits him?
After all, nobody, nothing, and no creator whatsoever tell him what to do, so why? Why not just indulge in the product of his preferences? Why waste his time on insignificant people instead of focusing on more worthwhile issues?

{The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; for God bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will.}  The Noble Quran 2:212

Please, do not go about saying that Muslims in particular and the believers in general are spreading violence around the world and someone must stop them! Then claim that this is the reason behind your determination. That is not accurate. Look at all the crimes in the world; they are initially of greedy nature and most of those who commit them do not believe in God in the first place.
Some wars were declared in the name of religion, that is true, but not all of them. In fact, most of these were waged in pursuit of power and money. Something that is not a priority in the life of pious believers.
Up to this day, you will find people abusing religion for material gain, and one should not hold the loyal accountable for their actions, because evil people will never seize to exist as long as the devil continues to vandalize and sabotage.
He [Satan] said: "My Lord, because You misled me, I will make things on Earth seem good to them, and I will mislead them all, every one of them, except those of Your servants among them who are sincere." He [Allah] said: "This is a Straight Path to Me. You have no authority over any of My servants, except for the misguided who follow you." The Noble Quran 15:39-42
When you have reached a level of peace within yourself, you will have become fully absorbed in it that the way you carry yourself and behave will be apparent to the people you are surrounded with. The way you evolve will captivate them that it becomes absolutely irresistible to aspire sharing your state of being.
The love extends to everyone that you touch; it does not reside inside your walls. You will be able to radiate your vigor to those around you.
For instance, when someone hurts you, and you do not engage in negative feelings to avenge, instead, you somehow substitute your animosity and exasperation with different reactions; with restraint and composure, with absorption and balance (Something you can easily achieve through granting him the excuses we give as Muslims), you, then, will elevate and promote yourself so honorably, and maybe, just maybe, that person will learn from you.
If this occurs, then there is a good chance that this person will give excuses for the next person he encounters confrontation with and so on.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Overlook the slips of respected people.”
[Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad; Abu Dawud; Nasa'i in al-Kubra; and others--rigorously authentic (sahih), from A'isha (Allah be pleased with her)]
Your children are a reflection of what is within you. And so are your friends, colleagues, students, and practically everyone around you will be inspired by your poise and benevolence. Hence, the environment you live in will become a better place to be.
As the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: “A believer is a mirror of the believer.”

The negative energy targets everyone, but it is not able to haunt except those who are compatible and serve as good hosts for negativity and thus boards the darkness intended.
But what makes someone apt or agreeable to hostility and malice?
There are many answers to this…
Continue...Forsaken (II)

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