
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim


(Read each morning!!!)
  1. I am raising my child to be a successful vicegerent (khalifah) of Allah, who will help create a truly Islamic World.
  2. Today I will try my best to know and understand all the influences upon my child's development.
  3. Today I will try my best to help my child understand the power of negative influences to take him/her away from Allah, and the power of positive influences to take him/her to Allah.
  4. Today I will try my best to shield my child from the power of the negative influences to take him/her away from Allah.
  5. Today I will try my best to enhance (increase) the power of the positive influences upon my child to take him/her toward llah.
  6. Today I will try my best to notice some positive things my child does or says, and tell him/her how much those things are appreciated by me and by Allah.
  7. Today I will try my best to say nothing negative to my child. Even if I have to correct my child's wrong behaviour I will try my best to find some positive way to do so.
  8. Today I will love my child unconditionally, but I will try my best to express that love at times which are most beneficial to my child.
  9. Today I will try my best to be an example of a good and right human being (Muslim) for my child.
  10. Today I will pray for Allah's help that I can be a good parent for my child.
Effective Islamic Parenting