

If we fully submit…
Accept everything, even misfortune and misery. If you are able to, then you will subdue it easily.
Let us say you plan a trip to the desert. To endure its extreme conditions, you would have to gear-up; you would have to take water, food, a tent, a compass, and what have you, right? This preparation would not only prepare you to sustain the difficulties involved, it would even allow you to enjoy it to a good extent.
Now if you were to own a tool that will enable you to accept the sorrow or indigence, and subjugate them, wouldn’t you agree that you would be able to brace yourself for the hardships of life? If you “gear-up”, you would learn to accept whatever befalls you and even learn to see that it has been a good thing for you after all.
We see it all the time, great thinkers emerge from very unfortunate backgrounds, great achievers surface through a chain of abuse and harm.

{Say: 'Nothing will happen to us except what God has decreed for us: He is our protector': and on God let the Believers put their trust.} The Noble Quran 9:51

Well, Allah (SWT) revealed to us that bad things happen, but they are good for you on the long run. Nobody can make you believe this, except yourself, and your very own experiences.

“Leave them alone; let them eat and enjoy themselves the while the hope [of vain delights] be guiles them: for in time they will come to know [the truth], those who are patient in adversity, and true to their word, and truly devout, and who spend [in God's way], and pray for forgiveness from their innermost hearts,”3:16-17

Accept Everything
Rejoice when something good happens to you, sustain whatever hardship befalls you.
Anticipate that it will not last forever.
Believe that something good will come out of it.
Ask yourself this:
What have I previously done in my life?
What have I done with my life?
What do I plan to do with my life?

{Any disaster that strikes you is through what your own hands have earned'} 53: 30

Be honest when you perform your self-evaluation. Be transparent and objective. You will see that you deserve every minute thing that happened and still is happening to you, whether be it good or unfortunate.
Keep in mind that bad things are not a punishment as much as it a processing means to cleanse the impurities of our defective lives.
Embrace your experiences and remember that what does not break you makes you stronger.
Aren’t catastrophe, calamity, and distress the best tutors in confidence and prudence.
Lessons are not cheap. Life’s lessons are most certainly not. Let us learn.
Let us learn, because we have paid a big price for these lessons, let us not waste what we have endured…A Draft Book


Forsaken (II)

Feeling lonely and unfulfilled eventually will lead you to anger and sadness. If you do not defeat this impulse, if you do not dismiss the devil’s whispers and stop his hacking, you will never feel contented with what you have; you will always lose appreciation of life’s valuables and Allah’s endowments.
When we are thankful, we are unmistakably being able to perceive clearly and without delusions. Hence, we are capable of professing our true self; ergo we release this awareness and communicate it to others.


Forsaken (I)

5/5 Cont. The Awakening 
I often hear people say that in spite of being pleased with their achievements, they still feel lacking. They feel that their households do not give them the refuge one usually longs for at home, and they feel the coldness amidst whatever company was gathered in there.
They harbor emptiness, whether they were alone or among others. Not being serene in your own haven, not being ready to immerse yourself in the comfort of your own shelter, nor being able to enjoy the tranquility before setting out again to face new challenges, must be a horrid sense of being.
I can only imagine…


The Awakening

When I was growing up, I have encountered all sorts of people, and I have always had this habit of scanning and analyzing them within myself. The way they behaved, the way they reacted to different condition s have always intrigued me. What was a big deal for someone was so trivial to another. What was nerve wrecking to somebody was a walk in the park to another. Why? 


Living The Tenets

3/5 cont.Not That Hard
When I wake up at dawn to perform my daily routine of ablution and Fajr prayer, I sometimes do it sleepily and at other times I am wide awake. At those times when I am conscious of every movement I do, and I complete the whole Fardh in addition to the invocations I am blessed with on that day, I feel that my whole day has started out amazingly that absolutely nothing can ruin it. It usually lasts a few hours and then comes Dhuhr, now if I perform my noon prayer to its very essence; I get another dose of the same taste of peace I have felt earlier that day.
Why is it so? I often ask myself that. I think the answer would be that Allah (swt) has created us in such a way that we need certain rituals and habits to complete us. Without them, we would be losing a vital part with which we are whole. Allah the merciful has not left us without instructions; He has taught us how to reach this wholeness. He has given us the how as well as endless resources to help us apply, starting with water and food and ending with meditation and prayers.
What Allah (SWT) has given us is a manual to guide us through our journey to our final abode.

 {Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. For without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.}
The Noble Quran 43:28

Alhamdullilah for having Him as our Lord, and alhamdullilah for giving us the Quran and sending us our prophet (pbuh) with the Sunna.
Continue...The Awakening


Not That Hard

2 Cont. Thoughts
The beauty of it all is that what we need is not so much. We don’t need mountains of gold or expensive foods to make us whole. Nor do we need luxurious homes and priceless furniture to fill the gap. All we need are certain rites any person can perform.